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Business success through the right strategy.

What this whitepaper will get you

Big picture about multi-cloud

The whitepaper highlights the different objectives, approaches and selection criteria of multi-cloud.

Corporate strategy with multi-cloud

You will learn which questions companies need to deal with in advance, as well as possible benefits and risks.

Orientation guide

On the way to the optimal multi-cloud strategy for companies, decision-makers receive a useful orientation aid.

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This whitepaper provides information in the following areas:

  • Flexibility via cloud - a review with a view
  • Which cloud fits?
  • Multi-cloud strategies
  • The backup-only strategy
  • The move-ready strategy
  • The failover strategy
  • The most economical resources strategy
  • The Technology Advantage Strategy
  • The PoD Strategy
  • Automation makes it possible

*note, currently this whitepaper is only available in German version

About the Whitepaper

The parallel use of many clouds (multi-clouds) is becoming increasingly attractive for companies.
Theoretically, the service offerings of the various cloud providers expand the current radius of action as well as the future possibilities of value creation with digital means. However, in order to derive the maximum possible benefit from multi-clouds in practice, a careful, well thought-out strategy is essential. It is also important to ensure the security of your own processes and data. This white paper presents the most important strategies.

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Want to read more?

Than download now your free Whitepaper and learn more about Multi-Cloud. *note, currently this whitepaper is only available in German version


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János Pásztor

Cloud-Experte, A1 Digital