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Webinar Recording

Expert Talk: Organizational Design and New Forms of Work

24 November 2022

The concept:

We let experts and interesting personalities discuss (and sometimes even argue) about exciting topics. There are hardly any slides. What counts here is the pure discussion between the guests and the audience.

The topic:

Why do projects fail in companies? Often it is due to deficits in the organization. But the knowledge of how the structure and the processes in an organization should be tasks is not even present in many companies. However, there are principles and instruments that are essential to know in order to avoid the famous "flying blind" in the company. And this is exactly what we are talking about here.

The target group:

Anyone interested in the following topics: Organizational Design, Corporate Culture, Agile, Scrum, Change Management, etc.

Your value:

  • Ask your own questions and take part in the discussion
  • Get new impulses for your company
  • Hear experiences from practice and benefit from the learnings

Participate and win free consulting!

  • Participants of the webinar get the chance to win a two-hour consultation with the speakers. Conditions see below.

Event Facts

24. Nov. 2022

15:00 - 15:30

Language: German

Target group: anyone interested in organizational design

Speaker & Moderator

Portrait Conny Dethloff

Conny Dethloff

Designer for structure, organization, control and regulation in companies, borisgloger consulting GmbH

Conny is an agile consultant and organizational developer and loves to understand and solve problems together with people. His favorite thing to do with them is to rebuild structures of companies in a way that people can and want to be in them and that companies can pursue their actual task: Generating value for society. In his eyes, business is for the people. In over 20 years, he has gained industry experience in automotive, retail, electronics and banking. What fascinates him about agility is the possibility of creating win-win-win situations: for the people who can contribute, for the companies that generate value for society and the market, and for the customers who take center stage.

Portrait Francis Cepero

Francis Cepero

Director Vertical Market Solutions, A1 Digital

Francis is head of the Solutions Business Unit at A1Digital. The division offers end-to-end solutions for IoT and advanced analytics and has successfully supported over 700 global customers in their digital transformation. Previously, Cepero was Head of Innovation and Technology in the Media, Sports and Entertainment division at SAP SE.

Philipp König Portrait

Moderator: Philipp König

Product Marketing Manager IoT, A1 Digital

Philipp is a passionate technology marketeer. After studying economics, Philipp worked in marketing for various companies in the IT, telecommunications, mechanical engineering, chemical and film industries. Currently, he is driving the marketing of A1 Digital's IoT and advanced analytics solutions.

Gewinnspiel-Teilnahmebedingungen (conditions of participation)

A1 Digital Deutschland GmbH verlost einen zweistündigen Online-Workshop mit den Experten Conny Dethloff und Francis Cepero. Gegenstand des Workshops ist die Beratung zum Thema Organisationsdesign. Teilnehmen können alle Interessenten, die Sich zum Webinar am 24. November 2022 um 15 Uhr anmelden und sich in die Veranstaltung einwählen. Mitarbeiter von Unternehmen der A1 Telekom Austria Group und borisgloger consulting GmbH sind von der Teilnahme ausgeschlossen.

Die Gewinner werden durch „Losentscheid“ unter allen Teilnehmern, die bei entsprechender Aufforderung des Organisators im Eingabefenster des Webinar-Tools eine Textnachricht mit dem Text mit „Ja, ich möchte am Gewinnspiel teilnehmen“ abschicken. Die Nachricht kann nicht von anderen Teilnehmern eingesehen werden. Teilnahmeschluss ist der 24. November 2022 um 15:30 Uhr.

Die Verlosung findet am 25. November 2022 statt. Der Gewinner wird per Email benachrichtigt. Sollte der Kunde den Gewinn nicht innerhalb von 10 Werktagen bestätigen, erfolgt eine neuerliche Verlosung des Gewinns.

Zur Ermittlung der Gewinner und zur Gewinnzustellung verarbeitet A1 Digital Deutschland GmbH die folgenden Daten der Teilnehmer: Vor- und Nachname und E-Mail Adresse. Die Daten werden nicht zu anderen Zwecken verwendet. Weitere Informationen zum Datenschutz bei A1 Digital Deutschland GmbH finden Sie unter

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Keine Barablöse möglich. Der Rechtsweg ist ausgeschlossen. Der Gewinn ist nicht auf andere Personen übertragbar.