Xund runs on Exoscale

XUND & Exoscale – A Partnership of Equals



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Explore how XUND, a Vienna-based health tech startup, harnesses the power of Exoscale's robust cloud infrastructure to deliver reliable and efficient healthcare solutions. Central to their offering is an AI-powered health assistant that provides symptom and risk assessment to guide patients towards the most suitable care. By analyzing symptom descriptions against a comprehensive range of medical literature, XUND's technology necessitates significant processing power and substantial storage capacity. It's here where Exoscale's clear, simple, and predictable offerings become critical, as XUND leverages the entire Exoscale portfolio from development, to machine learning, and finally to the operation of their app.

Why XUND Partners with Exoscale



Exoscale's commitment to an equal partnership fosters collaborative growth and continuous development for XUND's AI-driven healthcare solutions.



With Exoscale's clear and transparent offerings, XUND can confidently plan, allocate resources, and streamline operational efficiency in their service delivery.



Exoscale's swift and reliable support ensures that XUND's AI-assisted healthcare service maintains optimal functionality and superior performance.

Harnessing the Power of AI: XUND's Transformation of Patient Care

Is your skin unusually red?” Lena Mueller is worried. Two hours ago, she started noticing a swelling on her arm. Now it’s 9 p.m. and she is entering a description of what she sees into the Symptom Checker, an app provided by her healthcare provider. The app asks her a series of questions in order to be able to diagnose a potential medical condition correctly and will then recommend next steps depending on the resulting diagnosis. This may be a trip to the pharmacy around the corner, an appointment with a specialist or a visit to the emergency room of a hospital.

At the source of this questionnaire lies the technology of Viennese startup XUND – a certified class IIa medical device. It combines Artificial Intelligence with machine learning and medical expertise to provide an ideal solution for digitizing the patient journey.

Xund adrian schiegl profil

Our feedback influences Exoscale’s roadmap.

Adrian Schiegl Head of Data Science - XUND

Reducing the burden on the healthcare system is the declared goal of this startup. “We bring healthcare straight into the living room,” summarizes Adrian Schiegl, Head of Data Science at XUND.

XUND’s primary customers are health insurance companies such as Wiener Staedtische and Generali, hospitals including the Budapest-based Semmelweis Clinic and the University Clinic in Graz, as well as digital health solutions such as DoctorBox in Germany. XUND also provides an API version of its technology to clients wanting to offer this app within their own corporate identity.

From development to Machine Learning to app operation, the Viennese startup relies entirely on Exoscale.

Why Exoscale?

High availability via the Cloud

Servers located in Europe

GDPR compliance

The XUND technology obtains the information it needs to reliably diagnose medical conditions based on symptom descriptions from a wide range of medical literature. This requires processing power and large storage capacity – one of the reasons why XUND chose Exoscale shortly after the business was founded. “Exoscale is simple, clear and calculable,” explains Adrian Schiegl. “Other providers offer more features but to stay on top of things, you’d need training courses and a special calculator, all not easy to come by”, for example if additional graphics cards – which means more processing power – or more storage space are needed.

Adrian Schiegl describes the collaboration as a partnership of equals: “Our feedback influences Exoscale’s roadmap.” Regular feedback meetings are scheduled, but “our contacts at Exoscale are very proactive. They tend get in touch outside our regular appointments, for example to present new features that may interest us.” Exoscale also responds to support requests with same-day solutions. Lena Mueller followed her XUND symptom analysis recommendation and went to the pharmacy, where she was given a cooling ointment. She is relieved to not have to go to the emergency room today or see a doctor tomorrow. This is how the app reduces the burden on both doctor and patient.

Xund adrian schiegl profil

We use the entire Exoscale portfolio – from development to machine learning to the running of our app.

Adrian Schiegl Head of Data Science - XUND

About Xund

Founded in Vienna in 2018, the company’s flagship product is an AI-powered health assistant that provides symptom and risk assessment capabilities to help navigate patients to the best point of care. The underlying database is powered by proprietary NLP models analyzing millions of medical publications. The technology is certified as a class IIa medical device under the European Medical Device Regulation (MDR) and utilized by market-leading insurance, pharma, and big tech companies. In addition to its headquarters in Vienna, XUND has offices in Budapest and London.

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